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[쿠버네티스] 헬름 설치

by cbwstar 2024. 1. 9.



Releases · helm/helm

The Kubernetes Package Manager. Contribute to helm/helm development by creating an account on GitHub.


참고 사이트 : https://helm.sh/ko/docs/intro/install/


헬름 설치하기

헬름 설치하고 작동하는 방법 배우기.



1. 헬름 깃허브에 가서 설치하고 싶은 버전을 다운로드 받는다.

 wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.13.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz

 tar zxvf helm-v3.13.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz

 mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

2. 버전 확인

  root@master:~/helm# helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.13.3", GitCommit:"c8b948945e52abba22ff885446a1486cb5fd3474", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.20.11"}

3. 헬름 차트 리포지토리 초기화

root@master:~/helm# helm repo list
Error: no repositories to show
에러가 발생

- 차트 리포지토리 추가

root@master:~/helm# helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
"bitnami" has been added to your repositories

/* 리포지토리 추가후 조회 */
root@master:~/helm# helm repo list
NAME   	URL                               
bitnami	https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami

- 리포지토리에서 설치 가능한 패키지 확인

root@master:~/helm# helm search repo bitnami
NAME                                        	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION  	DESCRIPTION                                       
bitnami/airflow                             	16.1.10      	2.8.0        	Apache Airflow is a tool to express and execute...
bitnami/apache                              	10.2.4       	2.4.58       	Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP serve...
bitnami/apisix                              	2.2.8        	3.7.0        	Apache APISIX is high-performance, real-time AP...
bitnami/appsmith                            	2.1.13       	1.9.58       	Appsmith is an open source platform for buildin...
bitnami/argo-cd                             	5.2.10       	2.9.3        	Argo CD is a continuous delivery tool for Kuber...
bitnami/argo-workflows                      	6.1.4        	3.5.1        	Argo Workflows is meant to orchestrate Kubernet...
bitnami/aspnet-core                         	5.0.4        	8.0.0        	ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework for we...
bitnami/cassandra                           	10.6.8       	4.1.3        	Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed ...
bitnami/cert-manager                        	0.13.5       	1.13.3       	cert-manager is a Kubernetes add-on to automate...
bitnami/clickhouse                          	4.1.16       	23.12.2      	ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented OL...
bitnami/common                              	2.14.1       	2.14.1       	A Library Helm Chart for grouping common logic ...
bitnami/concourse                           	3.0.15       	7.11.0       	Concourse is an automation system written in Go...
bitnami/consul                              	10.14.7      	1.17.1       	HashiCorp Consul is a tool for discovering and ...
bitnami/contour                             	15.0.1       	1.27.0       	Contour is an open source Kubernetes ingress co...
bitnami/contour-operator                    	4.2.1        	1.24.0       	DEPRECATED The Contour Operator extends the Kub...
bitnami/dataplatform-bp2                    	12.0.5       	1.0.1        	DEPRECATED This Helm chart can be used for the ...
bitnami/deepspeed                           	1.3.5        	0.12.3       	DeepSpeed is deep learning software suite for e...
bitnami/discourse                           	12.1.2       	3.1.3        	Discourse is an open source discussion platform...
bitnami/dokuwiki                            	14.3.3       	20230404.1.0 	DokuWiki is a standards-compliant wiki optimize...
bitnami/drupal                              	17.0.0       	10.2.0       	Drupal is one of the most versatile open source...
bitnami/ejbca                               	11.0.1       	8.2.0-1      	EJBCA is an enterprise class PKI Certificate Au...
bitnami/elasticsearch                       	19.13.15     	8.11.3       	Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analy...
bitnami/etcd                                	9.8.0        	3.5.11       	etcd is a distributed key-value store designed ...
bitnami/external-dns                        	6.29.0       	0.14.0       	ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes addon that configur...
bitnami/flink                               	0.5.3        	1.18.0       	Apache Flink is a framework and distributed pro...

차트 버전운 패키지의 버전이고 앱 버저는 어플리케이션의 버전이다.

- helm install airflow bitname/airflow     /* airflow라는 이름으로 bitnami/airflow를 다운로드 한다. */

/* 릴리즈 설치된 패키지의 목록을 본다 */

$ helm list



"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."
