create or replace function fn_get_hangule_cho_name (vstr in varchar2)
return varchar2 as
str varchar2(2000);
chostr varchar2(2000);
ch varchar2(10);
sch varchar2(10);
ix number;
maxlen number;
-- /* *****************************************************************************
-- Description : 한글초성 검색
-- Input Arguments : vstr(한글)
-- Program Date : start : 2012. 08. 28
-- Author : CBW
-- Update History :
-- ***************************************************************************** */
v_rtn varchar2(2000):= '';
chostr := '';
str := replace(vstr, ' ','');
if nvl(str,'x') ='x' then
return null;
end if;
maxlen := length(str);
for ix in 1..maxlen loop
-- sch := substr(str, ix, 1);
select asciistr(substr(str, ix, 1))
into ch
from dual;
chostr := chostr || case when ch between '\D558' and '\D7A3' or ch ='\314E' then 'ㅎ'
when ch between '\D30C' and '\D557' or ch ='\314D' then 'ㅍ'
when ch between '\D0C0' and '\D30B' or ch ='\314C' then 'ㅌ'
when ch between '\CE74' and '\D0BF' or ch ='\314B' then 'ㅋ'
when ch between '\CC28' and '\CE73' or ch ='\314A' then 'ㅊ'
when ch between '\C9DC' and '\CC27' or ch ='\3149' then 'ㅉ'
when ch between '\C790' and '\C9DB' or ch ='\3148' then 'ㅈ'
when ch between '\C544' and '\C78F' or ch ='\3147' then 'ㅇ'
when ch between '\C2F8' and '\C543' or ch ='\3146' then 'ㅆ'
when ch between '\C0AC' and '\C2F7' or ch ='\3145' then 'ㅅ'
when ch between '\BE60' and '\C0AB' or ch ='\3143' then 'ㅃ'
when ch between '\BC14' and '\BE5F' or ch ='\3142' then 'ㅂ'
when ch between '\B9C8' and '\BC13' or ch ='\3141' then 'ㅁ'
when ch between '\B77C' and '\B9C7' or ch ='\3139' then 'ㄹ'
when ch between '\B530' and '\B77B' or ch ='\3138' then 'ㄸ'
when ch between '\B2E4' and '\B52F' or ch ='\3137' then 'ㄷ'
when ch between '\B098' and '\B2E3' or ch ='\3134' then 'ㄴ'
when ch between '\AE4C' and '\B097' or ch ='\3132' then 'ㄲ'
when ch between '\AC00' and '\AE4B' or ch ='\3131' then 'ㄱ'
else ''
end loop;
return trim(chostr);
when others then
dbms_output.put_line (sqlerrm);
raise_application_error (-20021, sqlerrm);
end fn_get_hangule_cho_name;
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